

Long Mynd Valleys (champ) results

Thanks to the following for their help, without which we would not have been able to stage the race: Mark Agnew, Mel Price, Zoe Tinnion, Aine Astbury, Craig and Jenny Henn, Maria and Eva Spurling, Robin Bacon, Maryke Fox, David Mullin, Mark and Rachael Bollom, Pete Hudson, Helen Stokes, Charlie and Jill Leventon, Rick Robson, Dave Nichols, Tony Thompson, Tim Parker, Hugh Morgan-Jones, Richard Day and family, Noel Hogan, John Taylor, Emma Gould, Will Laye, Val Swingler, Ian Grindley and Adrian Donnelly. Apologies if I've missed anyone out.


Wrekin Fell Race Reuslts

Results for yesterday's Wrekin Fell Race, the last round in the 2016-2017 winter series, are available here.

Shropshire Winter Series 2016-2017 (after 6)

Results of the winter series after 6 rounds are available here.

Get your Long Mynd Hike story in print!

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Long Mynd Hike and as part of the celebrations of Hike 'history' book is being produced. Contributions are being sought. Details from the Hike committee are below:


PETE WHITTAKER comes to Shrewsbury on 28th March


High Sports are really proud to be staging this exclusive lecture of Pete’s historic and stunning solo ascent of El Cap. We hope you can come along, if not we’d appreciate it if you could spread the word, all profits go to charity. Don’t miss this chance to meet the lad who put UK climbers firmly back in the Yosemite climbing history book.
Details here: Pete Whittaker rope solo of El Capitan lecture

Mercia Hill Trial Results

Results for the recent Mercia Hill Trial are available here (short course) and here (long course).
Thanks to all competitors and helpers for another successful Mercia Hill Trial. Everyone came back within the time limit, although a few had issues finding one or two of the controls. I hope you all had fun and managed to practise your navigation skills on a fair but challenging course.
The final results are linked above with midway splits courtesy of Suzanne. The winners are as follows:

Shropshire Winter Series 2016-2017 (after 5)

The results after 5 rounds are available here (sorry they're a little late).

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