Get your Long Mynd Hike story in print!

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Long Mynd Hike and as part of the celebrations of Hike 'history' book is being produced. Contributions are being sought. Details from the Hike committee are below:


For some time now Brian (Faulkner) has been in touch with a gentleman who regularly competes in the hike. The gentleman has always intended to write a book and recently has given Brian his work. It is not actually complete and Brian was contemplating how to overcome this problem as he felt a book about the hike would be appropriate for this the 50th year.

By chance his brother Joe was around and as you know Brian’s powers of persuasion are legendary, result! Joe has undertaken to complete the book! More material is needed and so Joe would like to have any stories, anecdotes, experiences funny or embarrassing, long or short which you can give him. You may just like to write about how you got involved or what you do in helping to run the event. Photographs would be welcome as well. Stories from competitors and helpers outside the committee would be equally welcome if you can persuade people to take part please do so.

Joe can be contacted at If anyone has problems e-mailing material, send it by snail mail to me (Andrew Semple) and I will send it on.
The book is planned as part of the 50th celebrations so Joe needs to get cracking soon to collate, refine and get it published. October will be upon us very quickly!!! Please put pen to paper and let us make this a special memento of the hike.

Any problems please give Brian or myself a call. Brian 01694 723567, or me 01588 630664.

Andrew Semple.