Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

Middletown Show Hill Race

Results for the Middletown Show Hill Race are available here.
Conditions were extremely hot which resulted in a high number of DNFs. Ed Davies, in particular, suffered severe heat-stroke and had to be hospitalised. He's OK now though.

2019 Pontesbury Results

Results for round 5 of the 2019 Summer Series, Pontesbury Fell Race, are available here.

Mercia Club Championship Results

Mercia Club Championship Results after 10 races are available here. (Sorry about the scrolling, big spreadsheets and web pages don't mix very well!)

2019 Summer series results

Results after 3 rounds are available here, and after 4 rounds here.

Rodney's Pillar Results

Results for Rodney's Pillar, round 4 of the 2019 summer series, are available here.

Batch Bash Race Report - 22nd May 2019 - 4.8km 305mtrs AS

South Mynd Tour Race Report - 12th May 2019 - 22km 1285mtrs AL

We invented this race in 2017 to be fun with lots of route choice, a start and finish where people can go in opposite directions! and hopefully to become a classic as there is no other local FRA “AL” (steep and long) race. The views and fast open field & forestry descents definitely give it the wow factor! However we were a little upset not to have been supported by a lot of the local running community in only having 38 runners.

Batch Bash Results

Results for the 2019 running of the Batch Bash are available here.

South Mynd Tour Results

Results for the 2019 running of the South Mynd Tour are available here.

Summer Series standings after 2 rounds

Standings in the 2019 Shropshire Summer Series after two rounds are available here.