Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

Shropshire Winter Series 2018-2019 - results after 6 rounds

The results after the penultimate race of the 2018-2019 series are available here.

Dash to the Pole Results

Results for the Dash to the Pole night race are available here.

Cardingmill Canter Results

Results for the sixth round of the Shropshire 2018-2019 winter series (Cardingmill Canter) are available here. Well done to Sara Willhoit for setting a new ladies record (45:41).

Revised combined valleys results

The eagle eyes of Dave Mullin noticed that two people were missing from the combined results. The results have now been corrected here. My apologies to Daniel Connolly (1st) and Dave Farrow (3rd) that got missed!

Valleys Weekend Combined Results

Results for the combined Valleys Weekend races are available here.

The combined trophy goes to Daniel Connolly (male) and Nicola Richards (female). Well done both.
The combined results are based on the sum of three times your Titterstone Clee time and your Long Mynd Valleys time, so to qualify you have to do both races! Fifteen did so this weekend.

Long Mynd Valleys Results

Results for the fifth round in the Shropshire 2018-2019 Winter Series are available here.

Titterstone Clee Results

Results for the fourth round of the Shropshire 2018-2019 winter series are available here.

Addition to the Junior English Championship fell race calendar

The following link provides information about the recently organized 2nd English Junior Fell Running Championship Race 2019 to be held in Kettlewell, North Yorkshire on 13 April 2019.

This fixture is not in the FRA calendar.

Mercia Hill Trial Results

Results for the long course are available here, and the medium course here.

Titterstone Clee 9th Feb - start time

Note the start time this year is 11AM and not the traditional 11:45. Don't be late!!