South Mynd Tour Race Report - 12th May 2019 - 22km 1285mtrs AL

We invented this race in 2017 to be fun with lots of route choice, a start and finish where people can go in opposite directions! and hopefully to become a classic as there is no other local FRA “AL” (steep and long) race. The views and fast open field & forestry descents definitely give it the wow factor! However we were a little upset not to have been supported by a lot of the local running community in only having 38 runners.

We had only 2 ladies in M50 & M60 categories – well done for coming 1st and 2nd in the ladies race, Bev Tucker in 3.30.46 and Janet Hill 3.40.45. Tim Werrett was first chap 2.7.56 – I am told a race perfect for him. A new local runner, Kristan McKenna excelled and nearly beat Tim by chasing after him in the finish field 2.8.04 – well done. And not far behind Duncan Birtwistle 2.14.39. Of our local “Ambleside” runners: Chris Atherton was unable to turn up as his wife was in labour (an excuse for absence we will allow!), and his father David M65, after running a fantastic 3.00.37 rushed off to meet his new Grandson, Congratulations.

Despite all having a lovely time, and the weather again being fabulous enough to hold the presentations in the Ragleth Inn garden, I am afraid we will not be organising this race again next year. The hours of work involved in obtaining permissions needed to run over land, organise watering stops and marshals, and the financial accounting etc does not fit with an entry of only 38.

Tim Parker