Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

South Mynd Tour - no-go areas

South Mynd Tour - revised oob areas.png

See here for the race details and the attached map. Please note the revised no-go areas (in blue) and avoid them. In particular, do not use Ashes Hollow nor the re-entrant to the west of Callow.

Wrekin Streak Results

Results for the Wrekin Streak, second round in the 2019 summer series, are available here.

Sheinton Steeplechase Results

Provisional results for the Sheinton Steeplechase are available here. Due to a shortage of helpers in the finish tunnel there are several anomalies. If you feel you have been mis-recorded please contact me with corrections (at pd dot giz dot dave at gmail dot com). The anomalies concern these race numbers: 346, 360, 381, 392, 631, 657, 658, 659, 662, 666 (missed in the funnel) and 366, 368 (recorded twice).

Long Mynd: Important areas for nesting birds 2019

The National Trust has provided a map of sensitive areas on the Mynd that we should try to avoid. See here for details.

Caradoc Classic Results

Results for the 2019 Caradoc Classic are available here.

Shropshire Winter Series 2018-2019 - final results

Final results for the 2018-2019 Winter Series are available here.

Wrekin Fell Race Results

Results for the Wrekin Fell Race (the final round in the 2018-19 Winter Series) are available here.

Mynd Dragon Cancelled

The Mynd Dragon for 2019 has been cancelled due to National Trust no-go-area issues.

Stretton Hills Champs Race Results

Results for today's Stretton Hills Champs Race are available here.
