2021 Middletown Hill Race results

Results for the 2021 running of the Middletown Hill Race are available here.

Graham Spencer Trophy

The Breidden Hills race on 10th October which in addition to being a Mercia Championships race will have the added bonus of hosting the inaugural running for our new Graham Spencer Trophy. The trophy will be awarded to the first Mercian home (male or female) whose finishing time is closest in percentage terms to the race record for their gender.

Caradoc Classic 2021

Results (old school) for the 2021 running of the Caradoc Classic race are available here.

Pontesbury results

Results for the 2021 running of the Pontesbury Fell Race are available here.

Rodney's Pillar Results 2021

Results for the 2021 running of the Rodney's Pillar fell race are available here.

Batch Bash Results

Results for the 2021 Batch Bash are available here. Yippee!

Mercia Fell Runners - 2021 Club Championship Races

The 2021 club championship rounds are available HERE. Hopefully the rounds will all happen!

Mercia Fell Runners Club 2020 AGM

The Mercia Fell Runners AGM for 2020 will be held at 7pm on Monday 16th November 2020, but due to Covid-19 restrictions this will be an online meeting, this will be followed by an ordinary committee meeting, any items you wish to be included in either agenda should be sent to club.secretary@merciafellrunners.org.uk. Please send agenda requests by 2nd November. Joining instructions will be issued in due course.


Batch Bash (MapRunF virtual race) results

The (experimental) virtual Batch Bash 'race' results are available here.

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