Batch Bash (MapRunF virtual race)

Race date: 
Fri, 10/07/2020 - 12:41pm

This event was run during the Covid-19 lock-down as a virtual event with the MapRunF mobile phone app acting as the marshals and timekeeper.

Rank Name Time
1 Sara Willhoit 30.17
2 Henry Webb 31.05
3 Tim Kieniewicz 31.24 (33.40)
4 Rachel Parker 32.07 (35.15)
5 Stuart Smith 33.20
6 Mel Price 33.37
7 Dave Farrow 34.34 (38.39)
8 Tom Blackwell 34.35 (38.40)
9 Simon Adney 36.18
10 Simon Neeve 36.24 (38.51, 43.56)
11 Mike Streetly 37.02
12 Nicola Richards 37.11 (43.56 1st go)
13 Guy Holloway 37.41. (42.12, 48.04)
14 Ashley Peile 38.00
15 Matthew Pollard 38.13
16 Dominic Williams 38.50
17 Stephen Cooksey 38.56 (50.25)
18 Craig Henn 38.58
19 Robert Ian 39.07
20 Dave Mullins 40.09
21 Tim Parker 40.44 (1st attempt 46.57)
22 Colin Wells 41.18
23 Scott Mathers 42.19
24 Tim Jones 42.22
25 Phil Clark 43.18 (1st go 45.57)
26 Isobel Sarah 43.24
27 Heather Kieniewicz 43.36
28 Michael Powell 43.44 (73.44)
29 Andy Perry 44.06 (46.09 on 1st attempt)
30 Adrian Clark 44.26 (55.18)
31 David Tozer 44.39. (47.56)
32 Stephen Atherton 44.45
33 Revan Marland 44.53
34 Nathan Marland 45.00
35 Mark Macam 45.06
36 Suzanne Kapitanec 45.13. (69.22)
37 Laura Gale 46.00. ( 61.18)
38 Alex Snow (Female) 46.20
39 Georgie Malcolm 46.35
40 Dave Nichols 47.01
41 Lawrie Jones 47.11
42 Guy Holloway 48.04
43 Edward Neeves 48.21
44 Stephen Riley 48.26 (50.52)
45 Edward Beards 48.29
46 Huw Jones 49.58 (66.43)
47 Ash Burgess 50.46
48 Keith Burgess 50.46
49 Chris Snow 51.09
50 Adam Hill 51.24
51 Jenny Henn 52.32
52 Bethan Eluned Till 53.21
53 Guy Whitmash 53.40
54 Dave Wall 54.45
55 Mervyn Lewis 55.59 (but no Novers!)
56 Stewart Proctor 56.00
57 John Williams 58.08
58 Janet Hill 58.14
59 Paul Fotheringham 60.59
60 Alison Benwell 63.53. ( 86.21)
61 Simon Burke 64.53
62 Imogen Harley 64.53
63 Mark Turner 64.53
64 Sophie Grace Kellaway 64.53
65 Dominic Williams 79.54
66 Nancy Sharp 83.12
67 Joanna Sharp 86.04
68 Maggie Morris 86.21