Request for comments on the club constitution

The existing club constitution has been added to the club menu. This was written a very long time ago and is overdue for updating. Anybody with any comments on changes, please add them to this news item. Comments from Bob Dredge (club chairman) are as follows:



At the January Committee meeting I was asked to produce a first draft on suggested amendments to the constitution. This is given below and reflects my understanding of the consensus of views expressed at the meeting. I have tried to keep it succinct.

2. Management
In the absence of the Chairman the members present shall elect an officer to chair the meeting
The officers of the club are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office until the next such meeting.
The Committee will consist of a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer and up to five ordinary members. Each will have the right to vote. Decision will be a simple majority of the votes of those present. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
The Social Secretary and Newsletter editor will have the right to attend and speak at any Committee meeting.

3. Membership
British Athletics Federation
English Athletics
Membership will be gained by the acceptance of an application for membership, and the receipt of an annual subscription. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the Secretary and Treasurers, who may if circumstances so dictate refer the matter to the Chairman for confirmation.
Membership will be granted for the calendar year in which the subscription is applicable, and continue until such time as an annual subscription is not paid.
Any Member who has not renewed their subscription by the 31st March will be deemed to have left the club.
Any new member applying to join after the 1st October will not be charged a subscription for the remainder of that calendar year.
Membership shall be deemed to have ceased….

5. Finance
The accounts shall be audited by an independent body appointed at the AGM

7. Annual General Meeting
Notification of the AGM will be given to Members at least 28 days in advance of the meeting. Copies of Agendas and papers will be available from the secretary 14 days in advance of the meeting.

9. Notices
Members are entitled to request that any specific issue of competent business be discussed at a General Meeting. Such a request must be supported by a brief note of the issue and the need for decision or consideration. Any such note will be circulated to the Membership at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.

12. Dissolution
The club will be dissolved by the passing of a motion at a General Meeting. In the event of dissolution the assets of the club shall be distributed, at the agreement of the meeting to……

My views, to start a discussion, on the possibilities are;
1. To any other athletic clubs active in fell running in the locality of the club
2. To the FRA to promote general/junior/International? Fell running
3. To a specific fell running charity
4. To an existing Trust Fund or charity to be held in trust to pay for and make grants to encourage athletes from the locality to participate in fell running

I would not be keen to see it go to any successor/splinter club or to the membership.


Constitution - donating to charities

I seem to remember the subject of making donations to charities was also raised. I thought in the context of stating it in the consitution for the purposes of setting the 'rules' by which it could be done.