Mynd Drover

Race date: 
Sat, 22/06/2019 - 9:00am

These are the results for those participants that declared themselves as runners. The elasped times are calculated on the assumption you all started at 9AM. This is a challenge event and not a race so times are indicative only.

Pos First Name Last Name Number Distance Check In Time Elapsed
1 Tony Robinson 150 13 11.16 02:16
2 Stephen Bajic 194 13 12.03 03:03
3 Ian Harris 202 13 12.03 03:03
4 Richard Paddock 77 13 12.04 03:04
5 Michael Avery 159 13 12.18 03:18
6 Timothy Hockly 132 13 12.41 03:41
7 Amanda Mann 52 13 12.41 03:41
8 Sandrine Roberts 54 13 12.41 03:41
9 Sally Tonge 131 13 12.41 03:41
10 Joy Webb 51 13 12.41 03:41
11 Caroline Bason 151 13 12.42 03:42
12 Samantha Hutchinson 152 13 12.42 03:42
13 Graeme Mann 53 13 12.42 03:42
14 Alan Hotchkiss 190 13 12.44 03:44
15 Trina Hotchkiss 191 13 12.44 03:44
16 Teresa Lippitt 96 13 12.56 03:56
17 Amanda Prescott 90 13 12.56 03:56
18 Rachel Wood 108 13 12.56 03:56
1 Rob Barber 161 20 13.31 04:31
2 Molly Cross 162 20 13.31 04:31
3 Teresa Greenhalgh 5 20 16.03 07:03
1 Mel Price 189 26 13.51 04:51
2 Isobel Pitts 203 26 14.17 05:17
3 Edward Beards 201 26 14.18 05:18
4 Nicholas Genever 181 26 14.3 05:30
5 Gyles Surman 72 26 14.34 05:34
6 James Kirkwood 178 26 14.45 05:45
7 Julian Smout 79 26 14.48 05:48
8 Robert Peacey 127 26 14.5 05:50
9 Frank Atherton 118 26 14.51 05:51
10 Keith Burgess 149 26 14.53 05:53
11 Imtiaz Ilahi 84 26 15.17 06:17
12 Wayne Millard 167 26 15.19 06:19
13 Adrian Donnelly 192 26 15.39 06:39
14 Fern Cotterill 237 26 15.45 06:45
15 Hannah Crossley 205 26 15.48 06:48
16 Haydn Jones 211 26 15.56 06:56
17 Cath Jones 212 26 15.56 06:56
18 Danielle Miles 171 26 15.56 06:56
19 Nick Whitehurst 170 26 15.56 06:56
20 Stephen Huyton 242 26 16.23 07:23
21 Nicola Walsh 240 26 16.23 07:23
22 David Walsh 241 26 16.23 07:23
23 Nickie Jones 88 26 16.49 07:49
24 Scott Pardoe 221 26 16.49 07:49
25 Mary Clifford 6 26 18.18 09:18
26 Julie Humphreys 244 26 18.19 09:19
Jenny Norton 87 26 Retired
Craig Teckoe 67 26 Retired