Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

2015-2016 Winter Series Results so far

Consolidated results for the 2015/16 Winter Series after 4 rounds are available here.





Morning After Results 2016

Results for the 2016 running of the Morning After race are available here.

Corndon Classic Results 2015

Results for the 2015 running of the Corndon Classic race are available here.

2015-2016 Winter Series Results so far

The cumulative results for the 2015-2016 Shropshire Winter series are available here.

Cradington Cracker Results

Results for the 2015 running of the Cardington Cracker fell race are available here.

Mortimer Forest Results

Results for the 2015 running of the Mortimer Forest 'fell' race are available here.