Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

Cardingmill Canter Race Results

Results for today's Cardingmill Canter fell race are available here.

Mynd Drover Challenge Walk - Saturday 24th June

Mynd Drover Challenge Walk - Runners

This is a 26 mile challenge event similar to a typical LDWA event (like the SSC). Runners welcome. More information is here. A couple of pictures from last year are here. Proceeds to the Church Stretton School.


Cardingmill Valley helpers required

I’m looking for volunteers to help marshal the Cardingmill Canter race on Saturday 4th March. The maximum time slot most would be committing to is from 1pm to 4pm in and around Cardingmill Valley, Church Stretton. A few are needed earlier, from about midday.

If you would like to help please email pd.giz.dave at gmail dot com or text 07850 654 157, indicating your preferred role(s). Sorry to be blunt, but I need definite’s not maybe’s.


Long Mynd Valleys photos

Photos for the LMV (by Stuart from Highsports) are available here.


Shropshire Weekend combined results

Results for the combined Titterstone Clee and Long Mynd Valleys race are available here. Well done to Jackie Lee (Eyri) and Lloyd Taggart (manx FR).

Long Mynd Valleys (non-champ) results

Results for today's Long Mynd Valleys race are available here. This is the normal (non-championship) running.

Photos by Stuart (Highsports) are available here.

Titterstone Clee Race Results

Results for today's Titterstone Clee race (part one of the "Shropshire Weekend") are available here.