Mercia Dinner and Awards Evening

2nd March 2019, Dorrington Village Hall
Hot Buffet Supper followed by presentation of awards then live music from Andy Richards



Trig Points 2019 Results

Results for the 2019 running of the Trig Points race are available here. Race report to follow shortly.

Morning After 2018 Results

Results for the runners in the 2018 Morning After race are available here.

Trigs race help required

Two helpers for this race (Sunday 13th Jan, Cannock Chase) have had to drop out. So two volunteers are required as follows:

Club Championship Rounds 2019

Here are the races for 2019:

Club Championship 2018 Provisional Results

Here are the provisional results for 2018.

If anyone would like to double check and/or believes them to be wrong please advise Pete Hudson.

We did not have a U23 Male (Jack won the overall champs), U23 Female, FV60 or FV70 qualifiers.

Well done all!

Also a special mention to Simon Pipe for being top scorer in the 3 short July races AND for being the top new member and Sue Howarth for doing most away races.

Awards will be presented at the Club dinner on 2nd March.

Devils Chair Dash 2018 Results

Results for the Boxing Day Devils Chair Dash are available here.

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