Cardington Cracker 2021 Cancelled

Cardington Cracker 2021 - Cancelled.

So sorry to report that the 33rd Cardington Cracker Fell race due to be held on the 5th December, will not be taking place this year. The viIlage hall which we use as the race HQ is unavailable for large groups such as the race would involve. Even with restricted pre entries, the village hall are very Covid cautious, about having large groups in the and around the hall and in the village. They are having events in the hall for small numbers, but all very socially distanced.

We have always had a good relationship with residents, the hall committee and local farmers and would not wish to damage that for future races.

The race route does involve some sections that are not on public footpaths and we can only use them by permission of the land owner, please do not run over these sections of the race route without prior permission.

Hopefully we will be back with the 33rd Cardington Cracker on Sunday 4th December 2022.

Paul Sanderson

Telford Athletic Club.