December 2017

Mercia News-Sheet – Issue 2 – December 2017

This is an occasional and informal news-sheet. The intention is purely to communicate significant events and announcement to the membership. No fancy format, or visuals, just plain text. It will only be an email, no paper, although copies will also be put in the members area of the Mercia website ( You have to login and have member access to see those. If you haven’t got member access login and use to ask for it.


This is the official one-month prior announcement of the AGM as required by our constitution.

The AGM this year will be held next year! At 2pm on the 6thJanuary 2018 in the NT Cafe in Cardingmill Valley, Church Stretton. There will also be a footpath repair session and a social run in the morning. More details will be posted nearer the date on the Facebook group.

Mercia Champs Series
Publication of the 2018 Mercia Championship series is due shortly. Expect something new!

Recent Member Achievements
There was a very large Mercia contingent at the FRA Relays and the men’s vet 50 team where victorious. A more detailed report will come along shortly.

For day to day chit-chat go to

Race Results – Summer Series
Results so far this summer are available at

Race Results – Winter Series
Results for last year are available at

Race Results – Mercia Championship
Results so far this season are available at

Race Calendar
Upcoming races in and around Shropshire are listed at

Committee Meeting Minutes
These will be made available on the club website.

Club Contact Points
Go to for email addresses of all the club contact points.

Member Submitted Articles
Please submit anything you think may be of interest to our members to – just the words don’t do any fancy formatting.