Long Mynd Valleys Race

06/02/2032 - 11:00
Race Status: 
Date TBA
Registration Location: 
Church Stretton School, 63A Shrewsbury Rd, Church Stretton, SY6 6EX
Race Organiser: 
Mercia - Arthur Clare-Hay
Total ascent (metres): 
Entry type: 
Pre-register only
Entry fee (£'s): 
Distance (km): 


Pre-enter via SI entries here.

The race will form the second leg of the Valleys weekend as normal with combined results and prizes from the Titterstone Clee Race - both races are part of the Shropshire Winter Series.

Details: Arthur Clare-Hay, chairman@merciafellrunners.org.uk or 07860 529707

The Long Mynd Valleys Race is run under FRA Rules, the governing body of our sport, all runners who compete in any of our race must comply with FRA Rules and comply with the FRA Safety Requirements for fell races and carry all equipment specified by the FRA and race organisers. If you do not know the rules please click the on the links provided. Failure to comply with FRA Rules & or Requirements means you will not be allowed to start the race.

CAR PARKING: Please park in the race car park at Church Stretton School (SY6 6EX). Car parking charges apply in Carding Mill Valley for non NT members; please don't park on street anywhere - respect the privacy and property of the householders who live in the area.

The event centre has changed and is Church Stretton School for the rearranged fixture. Please use the toilets at registration. Please do not water the grass in the valley; the future of the race depends on this!­

Retirement Procedure: You must report to the finish and surrender your race number to an official at the finish. This is vitally important, if you don't do this you could be the subject of a false alarm with race officials and the local rescue teams out on the hill looking for you. You will also be the subject of FRA disciplinary action.

Safety: Make sure your number is worn on your chest and is clearly visible as you approach each checkpoint. At CP2 and CP6 (possibly others) there will be a number check which will comprise the marshal scanning the barcode on the right hand side of your number (left from your point of view). It is essential we get a scan of that barcode. Don't fold it under, obscure it, put your fingers on it, cover it in bits of chocolate etc., and above all please wait your turn and let the marshals scan you calmly.

Competitors must be aware of weather conditions. All competitors must carry waterproof tops, waterproof bottoms, hat, gloves, emergency food, map, compass & whistle. Competitors will be checked. Any competitor not carrying this equipment will be disqualified. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT AN EASY FELL RACE AND IS UNSUITABLE FOR NOVICE OR UNFIT FELL RUNNERS.

Out of Bounds: The Golf Course and the lane between Minton and Little Stretton are not to be used for the race route.

Check Points and Cut Off Times will be strictly enforced & you will be asked to retire.

Start 444 944 11:00amEarly start at 10:30am

Proceed UP the Valley

1. Stream Bend 446 964

2. Road Track Junction 423 946

3. Stream Junction 423 932 

4. Stream Junction 416 924

5. Stream junction 408 920  1.05pm cut-off

6. Stream junction 418 909

7. Top of Ridge near Nils Summit 433 925

8 Stile 439 926 - cut off 2pm

9. Yearlet Summit 436 935

Finish Top Car Park, Cardingmill Valley 440 948 Finish Closes at 3.00pm

There could be race officials at checkpoints 1 to 6 and 8 who will be taking your number. Checkpoints 7 (Nills) and 9 (Yearly) will be unmanned - there will be an orienteering flag and a punch. You must punch your number at CP6 and CP8 to prove you visited these controls - checks will be made at the finish. There will be a timing check at Check Points 2 and 5 - you must make your number visible and let the marshall scan the barcode sticker to the right of the digits.

If you think you are likely to take more than three and half hours to get round there will be an earlier start at 10.30am, please let registration know if you wish to start at the earlier time.

First Aid: Available at the Finish and CP6 - Windy Batch. All other checkpoints will have basic items of first aid.

Environment / Ecology: Every year we come under more scrutiny as management plans are developed and there are more and more visitors with more awareness of the value of the flora and fauna of the Long Mynd. We have this year been asked to mark the trods/paths through the "wet flush" areas where the most delicate flora is. Keep on the track just left of the flags through these sections. We have put crossed canes across trods we do not want you to use - you must respect this. Both the Trust and the organisers will be out on the hill and anyone seen ignoring the flags will be disqualified and referred to the FRA disciplinary committee. We'd like to record our thanks to Tom Blackwell and Andy Perry of the National Trust for working with us to find a way to enable the race to go ahead without diverting the route significantly.

Changing and Showers:   Sorry - No showers or changing rooms available at this race, Small bags with dry clothes can be left at registration - the area will be manned throughout the race but neither we nor the National Trust nor Church Stretton School will be responsible for your property so don't leave valuables please.

Coffee & Tea: Available from the National Trust Café in Cardingmill Valley

Soup & Bread: Available free to all finishers at race control following the race

Male Record: Ian Holmes 1:29:58 (1997) [new course Tom Addison 1:33:28 (2017)]

Female Record: Vic Wilkinson 1:41:20 (2017) [old course Carol Greenwood 1:46:12 (1993)]

Prize Giving: 3.00 - 3.30pm or asap in Race Control

Results: Will be published on our website ASAP, see merciafellrunners.org.uk/results

Shortened LMV (omit CP1).pdf3.15 MB