Titterstone Clee Race

05/02/2032 - 11:00
Race Status: 
Date TBA
Registration Location: 
Village Hall, Cleeton St Mary GR 608788 Post code DY14 0QW
Race Organiser: 
Mercia - Arthur Clare-Hay
Total ascent (metres): 
229m (750ft)
Entry type: 
On-day or pre-register
Entry fee (£'s): 
£5.00 Entries on day only
Distance (km): 
Google Earth_Image_Titterstone Clee

NB: The start time has been changed to 11AM (from the traditional 11:45). Don't be late!!

Pre-entry via SI entries here.

Event run in conjunction with the Long Mynd Valleys Race.

Please come to race prepared to wear or carry whole body cover, other body cover appropriate for the weather conditions, map & compass suitable to navigate the course (photocopy allowed) and whistle.

Organisers decision on the day will be final

If lost Click Here

Details: Race Director - Arthur Clare-Hay via: chairman@merciafellrunners.org.uk or 07860 529707

For direction to Village hall and Parking Click Here

Check out the area on the web
