Alternative Tuesday night run to support Mark’s LE JOG

On Tuesday 12th April Mark & Rachael will be arriving in Leintwardine on Mark’s charity ride to John O’ Groats (see Mark’s LE JOG) and they will be staying with us overnight.

This seems like a good excuse to invite folk over to our place for an alternative Tuesday night run, then meet up with Mark & Rachael over food at our place, followed by liquid refreshments at the Crown Inn, Clunton.

The Plan:

Meet at 7.00pm Tues 12th April at King Grove Farm, Clunton
Go for a social run around the Bury Ditches area then back to our place for food, comprising of soup & roll & baked potatoes + fillings and cake!

The idea is if every one pays £5.00 towards the cost of their meal, all proceeds will go to help boost Mark’s charity fund.

So we can make sure we get enough food in, please could you either email us ( or Text us on 07825637042 to confirm you will be coming.


King Grove Farm is off the Clunton to Bury Ditches lane (GR SO 329826) .
We will flag the final “off road” section to the house.

Look forward to seeing you

Geoff & Leena