Note: This site has moved to

Information on this legacy site was frozen on 1st June 2022. For more recent information visit


The aim of the club is to promote safe and sustainable fell running in and around the West Midlands.

2018 Summer Series standings after 2 rounds

The 2018 Summer Series standings after 2 rounds are available here.

Wrekin Streak Results

Results for round two of the 2018 Sunner Series, the Wrekin Streak, are available here.

South Mynd Tour Results

Results for today's South Mynd Tour are available here. Conditions were very hot so no records broken this year (although Rachel Parker got very close to the ladies record despite the heat).

Sheinton Steeplechase Results

Results for last night's Sheinton Steeplechase are available here.  Graham ordered, and got, the usual good weather and attracted a record field of 123.

Caradoc Classic Results

Results for the inaugural round of the 2018 summer series - the Caradoc Classic - are available here.

Mynd Dragon Results

Results for today's "London Marathon Alternative" - aka the Mynd Dragon - are available here.

Winter Series 2017/18 - final standings

The 2017/2018 Winter Series final results are available here (scroll to the botttom to get to the PDF version).

Prize Draw for Stud Marks...

THE PRIZE DRAW – held at the Club’s Awards Evening (Sat 24th March)

Many, many thanks to everyone who put their hands in their pockets for a chance to win Stud Marks on the Summits. Gail Jones kindly drew the winning ticket (no. 209) which was purchased by Craig Henn. Congratulations to Craig who has tried (at potentially great expense) on several occasions to bid for a copy on ebay.

Ticket sales raised £373 which is a superb effort and compares very favourably with the price of a copy currently on sale (£325) in a second-hand bookshop.

2018 Mercia Champs after 7 rounds

Latest standings in the 2018 Mercia Championship are available here.

Cardingmill Canter Results

Results for the Cardingmill Canter (final round in the 2017/18 winter series) are available here.